June 24 - Trying Out for Seismic-Sonic Effects

Auditions (with Artistic Director Harriet March Page, composer-pianist Frank Johnson, Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel veterans Jamie Samanth Lee and Jacqueline Goldgorin, stage-manager Gigi Walker, Flora Agharanya, and Melody), at

Diablo Valley College

Music Building, for

Goat Hall Productions / San Francisco Cabaret Opera Fresh Voices XVII Festival of New Works: Feet First Into the Fire! (8pm, Saturdays, August 5 / 12, Bay Area Stage, 551 Broadway, Vallejo; 7:30pm, Saturday, August 19, St. Alban's Church, Albany [CA];  4pm, Sunday, August 29, Community Music Center, Capp Street, San Francisco), including

Don Hardwick,

Patrick Brancato,

Valerie Salcedo, and Ryann Swale (with John Bilotta) -- who look and sound perfect respectively for Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren, and Vladimir Putin in 2017: An Opera in Multiple Unnecessary Acts, Op. 261 (2017) --

as well as Flora Mendoza,

Ashten Smith, and

Teresa Foss -- who would be ideal (along with Patrick) for the excerpts from Cats, Dogs, and Divas, Op. 104...


The day

begins by

getting down

there, and

continues with a return,

on the 85th day of summer,

high down 2 to 98 --

first temperature below 100 after 8 days at or above

(Pleasant Hill and Fairfield, 88) --

to finish The Decameron: Eighth Day, Op. 266: Novel III - Calandrino, Bruno, and Buffalmacco Go In Quest of the Heliotrope beside the Mugnone (15 pages total)...