February 8 - Fanfare

The wonders of Lip-Buzz Instruments as part of the session with the Music Historians,

and more below, as we explore Music c. 400-1200...

G Major Scale (F# as key signature - top line)

G A B C D E F# G

G Mixolydian Mode (all white notes - "Blues Major")


G Dorian Mode (Bb as key signature - middle line - "Blues Minor")

G A Bb C D E F G

G Minor Scale (Bb and Eb as key Signature - latter in top space)

G A Bb C D Eb F G

Four Types of Wind Instruments (Aerophones)

End-Blown (Flute / Whistle)

Double Reed (Oboe / Bassoon0

Single Reed (Clarinet / Saxophone)

Lip-Buzz (Brass Instruments - Trumpet / Horn / Trombone / Tuba)

Three Types of Solid-Body Percussion (Idiophones)

Metal (Bells / Chimes / Vibraphone)

Wood (Xylophone / Marimba / Wood Block)

Other (Earth / Glass / Stone)

Three Types of String Instruments (Chordophones)

Suspended (Harp / Lyre)

Box (Piano / Zither)

Neck (Guitar / Lute / Violin / Viola / Cello / Bass)

Intervals from Pefect Fifth to Perfect Octave, and Number of Steps in Each

P5 = 3 1/2 Steps

m6 = 4

M6 = 4 1/2

m7 = 5

M7 = 5 1/2

P8 = 6


[8170] France - Ductia (Duet Dance)

[8170] Perotin (Little Peter) - Hec Dies (This Is the Day)

[8220] Ars Antiqua Motet (Antique Art "Little Word" Piece) - Alle - Psallite ("Alle" - Sing It)

[8280] England - Sumer Is Icumen In (Summer Is A'Coming In)

[8300] Guillaume de Machaut - Notre Dame Mass: I. Kyrie


More rain (.67, total 33.00 since July 1), 36th day of spring, high 63, tying for second highest of year with January 29-30...

San Ramon, 64

Pleasant Hill environs, 65

Pinole, etc., 60




settling down to compose

The Decameron: Seventh Day, Op. 262: Novel VI - Madonna Isabella has with her Leonetto and page 15 24 Tone Preludes: IX. Serenadis Interruptus...