July 25 - Product Placement

With the amazing Dr. Bruce Carlton, who seems intrigued by 2017, Op. 261, featuring Donald Trump, et. al. (to be premiered as part of Goat Hall Productions / San Francisco Cabaret Opera Fresh Voices XVII Festival of New Works: Feet First Into the Fire! -- 8pm, Saturdays, August 5 / 12, Bay Area Stage, 551 Broadway, Vallejo; 7:30pm, Saturday, August 19, St. Alban's Church, Albany [CA];  4pm, Sunday, August 29, Community Music Center, Capp Street, San Francisco),




day of summer,

high up 2 to 93 (72 days 80+, 47 90-or-better), composing upon return page 10 The Decameron: Eighth Day, Op. 266: Novel VI - Bruno and Buffalmacco Steal a Pig from Calandrino...